i just want to say that i have four cats. three white cats and one orange cat. no one says, "i think i'll get 4 cats." they say, "i think i'll get one cat or maybe two cats." but if you really like cats, and you're not allergic to them, and you have the means to care for them, they just seem to come into your life.
this does not make me a "cat lady." there's a stereotype of a mal-adjusted single woman who has a lot of cats; that this person is weird, anti-social, maybe a little crazy.
whatever. i just like cats. if a single woman has dogs, they don't call her a "dog lady" and assign her the same stereotypical label. if a single man has dogs or cats, no one thinks anything of it. and what if you have a bunch of reptiles?
that's okay. only one person has teased me about having more than what i guess is the "normal" amount of cats. that person basically said if you're single you really shouldn't have that many cats, but didn't tell me why. methinks, this person wouldn't have made the debate team.
so i put this to you, is there any adequate reason that a person should not have as many cats as they can well care for? for every cat that's adopted, for every cat i have, another cat is saved from euthanasia. the truth is no one who has ever poo-pooed the number of cats i have has ever been able to come up with any reason, much less a good one, why this is a bad thing or why i shouldn't have them. alrighty then, i think i'm winning this debate.
now that i have successfully defended my co-habitation with 4 cats, i must say that they are great cats, and i love them all dearly. they have been nothing but a joy, and i cannot imagine my life without them. plus, they are really good and well behaved and sweet and loving.

those cats are gorgeous!!!
Hey sis,
cute kitties. By the way, are you so sure you don't want to be known as "cat lady". I hear it's pretty cool with the kids nowadays. You could have your very own action figure. I know this babe who calls herself "crazy cat lady". And she's got one. No lie.
Check it out at: http://www.stupid.com/fun/CCLF.html
And you know there's also BATMAN's enemy "cat woman" and me thinks everyone pretty much assumes that she probably would be quite fuckable...If she were real.
And of course at every Halloween party there are 2 or 3 "sexy kitties". I mean who hasn't had sex with one of those girls before?
And hey then there is the cat lady who is cat lady because she's really into leopard skin and likes to scratch your back and purr in your ear. All this stuff is really cool with kids these days, I'm telling you, it's all over the internet.....and um.......uh...
yeah,your kitties are so pretty. Very cute.
Me thinks you have it all wrong. Being a "cat lady" is actually old school. You are not anything defined by a cat, because cats do not allow you to be defined by them. This is the nature of cats. Instead, your four cats are "people pussies." Yes, I realize there are about 1,000 jokes that go with this, but do not get your four cats started or they will write a long blog entry in their blogs about how owning a person should not stereotype someone as a "people pussy." They will argue their point effectively, and in the end people will say whatever they want to say. But your cats will be loved as much before anyone called them "people pussies" as after. So the point is really moot, isn't it. By the way bro J, I have not had sex with one of those girls before. I'm not really into people pussies.
wow, there are obviously some very strong feeling in this family about cats...! all, I can say is, you can have as many as you want, just as long as you don't bring them over to MY house(achoo! achoo! achoo!)...
That's because you're a sneeze lady.
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