Friday, December 12, 2008

sedona 2008

these pics are from my trip this year to sedona with my mom in september. i love that place!

snake v. lizard

snake gets a meal. and as steve irwin would say, "isn't she gorgeous!" i got this little bit of rarely seen predation is Sedona at Montazuma's well.

pretty bird?

i witnessed this bit of interplay just below my balcony.

better late bloggin' now than never

okay so i'm a little late... i haven't blogged for a while. but i have found a moment in which to update you on all the curiosities i have recently encountered. well, somewhat recently. i have some bits and pieces on wild things and wild places. and i have about 10 million photos i need to upload to flickr.

okay, so looked above..

no! not above you, silly. above this post.